April showers are missing – Local Real Estate Market stays on Fire

Good morning,

Rates have shown a slight bump upwards, as Europe strengthens and our economy improves. Yet as tried and true to a real recovery, our local real estate market remain very active. Proof: The stronger parts of our local areas, are showing a near 15% appreciation – this year alone.

Thinking of buying – This appreciation is before the Spring push begins.

Want more good news of a better tomorrow?

Half our homes are under contract in 10 days. Our last 5 purchases, received accepted offers on the first property they wrote. Good planning works, and Realtors know our work product.

  • In 2014, there were 23 new IPO’s
  • Santa Clara job growth has increased over 40,000, each of the last two years.
  • Housing starts for 2014 was 9,000, with an additional 8,500 in construction or by permit.
  • Computer storage has increased 3000%, the past 8 years.
  • Santa Clara County Real Estate is up 10% in value, over all property types and locations.

Onto the Good, Bad & Ugly:

THE GOOD: The internet. It has had a positive impact on the real estate industry. It helps bring the local housing market closer to both buyers and sellers, keeping them up-to-date with current changes and happenings. And as one studies the market, one can learn and appreciate the unique benefits of a particular neighborhood. Also, one can now more easily track the quality and number of individual school’s whose focus is on education. Learning is always a good thing.

THE BAD: Government red tape. Prop 60 & 90 was designed for the mature members of our local communities. The purpose is to extend the benefits of the Prop 13 tax base, when down-sizing. Down-sizing benefits everyone. The biggest oversight – it can only be used once. This can be fixed by sending a note to your representatives. This is a good tweak, on a great idea!

THE UGLY: Land use planning. No easy answer or simple solution, but higher-density use is coming. Yet first things first – smart planning including lower governmental fees, will be most helpful in bringing this radical change to a positive outcome. This will help the transition to more housing, better sizing, and affordability. Let’s help our government choose wisely.

Building a workable plan, one can continue to work.

Time answers the future. For today, our focus is to build a safe path to financial security. It takes more than cold statistics and hard facts. It requires care and flexibility. Reflecting upon you, your priorities, and your family needs. Better knowing you, gives us a more complete picture of: Where you want to be? What are your goals?, and What are your family priorities?

Our goal with you: Being effective, accurate, and optimal for your needs.

Thank you for your calls and trusting us with your friends.

Call today. Our work for you is not done. Be well.

Gratefully yours,

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