Commercial Lending Success for January

Good morning to the New Year, 2017, where the annual “looking ahead” has the added speculations of a new president and political promises.

The intrigue, even the fun, is filtering through the slew of predictions, promotions, and broad spectrum of opinions. It helps keep me nimble and aware. Especially during these first many months, where both political trade-offs and the economic numbers, will be watched most carefully – a very good thing to do.

Thankfully, investment fundamentals will remain true,

and our best guide, as we filter out reality from the bantering.

2016 vs. 2015: We found IPO’s, Venture Capital investing, and overall job creation, finishing at a slower pace than 2015. Yet, still quite healthy. As the head count of new jobs, residential construction, and re-hab construction, all increased. And, labor participation and inflation stabilized.

Good news: Our local commercial activity reflects this reality. It is a fast-growing segment of our business, including: small apartments, residential construction, Small Business, and office and industrial.

Our commercial tools of success: Franchise purchases, Construction loans, SBA, Apartment building loans, and Private money loans for buying office buildings.

Our primary specialty: Commercial loans from $500,000 to $2,500,000. This is our market niche. Here we are able to offer dozens of financial sources, providing you a diversity of deal structures, with helpful terms. It is our special sauce – where clients can find multiple options and solutions, optimized to their specific range of needs and long-term objectives. Few Banks offer loans with such flexibility.

Give a call.

Our focus is putting you and your success, first.

Have a great day!

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