Residential Lending Successes for August

Good morning to August days

A mid-year review lets us know this should prove to be another year of strong economic growth.  And as we look back over the last 5 years, we see our markets have shown an annual 6+ % appreciation.  It has been a remarkable period of time.

Even more, before this cycle of strong appreciation will end, history shows a period of slowing first and then a leveling off from peaks.  Thus, and for myself, there seems few concerns over the next 6 – 18 months.  If we see clouds coming, I will call them out.

Locally, we see two additional factors supporting continued strength in real estate:

First:  H1B Visa limits increased by +15,000, to meet demands for skilled labor.

Second:  Nationwide, last year GDP growth neared 2 %.  But for Silicon Valley, GDP growth was over 7 %  and expected to be near this for 2017.

Are you considering staying in your home, as you near retirement? We offer options and solutions:

  • Debt solutions:  We offer  traditional fixed or adjustable loans
  • Cash–flow solutions: We should discuss HECM loans and reverse mortgages
  • Equity solutions: An options whereby you receive money today, plus you share in the ‘future’ value of your home, tomorrow.
  • Tax deferral solutions:  Selling highly appreciated property and putting off the tax bill for 30 years (not a 1031 or DST solution, we have those as well)

Providing you access to possible option best matching your dreams and expectations, is what we do.  It is key to our conversations, and our approach, in working with you.

The next time you hear of someone in need of a mortgage solution,  please give us a call.  We love making our clients aware of the full spread of potential options – both the pro’s and the con’s. This way our clients are best able to decide what best fits them and their need.

Thank you again and enjoy these special days of Summer.

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