Your August 2024 Letter From My Heart, with the Good Bad n’ Ugly

Good morning to the Summer heat of August,


US Economy Growth: Our first look at the 2nd Quarter GDP growth has arrived. Outcome: GDP grew a positive 2.8 %, annual rate of growth. Look for 2 more revisions, and final revision for 1st Quarter shows 1.4 %.  Most news outlets acted surprised on the strengthening from 1st Quarter, with consumers spending more. Yet think about it, is not the norm as people and businesses emerge from typical winter slowdown?  For me, this was the expected.

Jobs:  On the bright side, the stated U-6 unemployment rate of – about 9 % – means 91 % of the working population is working.  The past month does suggest a peaking.  Most are still working, spending, and enjoying life.  It is the source of my positivity and encouragement.  It is why I enjoy my conversations with each unique person, discovering and exploring the full range of available options.  We are here – even of others say no.  CALL. The best place to start.

Insightful discussions concerning the Bay Area job market. A recent interview with the head of Robert Half International, indicates most layoffs are in marketing, sales and administration.  It also shows that openings for highly qualified engineers, and the such, are steady when compared to a year ago.

Treasury Rates: Overall, the auctions continue to be a bit soft. Treasury yields remain about the same, as Fed data show the economy is moving towards policy targets. For many Main Stream Media outlets, they tend to prognosticate a Federal Reserve rate reduction, as early as September. Yet for me, I believe any significant move will not be until after the election. The Fed, typically, prefers to avoid accusation of influencing elections.

In the meantime, we watch, wait, and report each month in hopes to assist our clients in planning and preparation.  It helps teaches patience and the importance of readiness and timing. We seek the best data to help you meet your investing goals. We are ready for your call. The best first step.

The Good, the Bad, And the Ugly

The Good – Let’s look to my favorite source for good news:, recently updated to Inspired market news to bring needed balance.

Substance abuse among US teenagers drops sharply since 1970s
The National Institute on Drug Abuse has been collecting data on the beliefs, attitudes, and behaviour of young people since 1975 for its Monitoring The Future survey. In 1976, substance use for high school seniors stood at 92% for alcohol, 76% for cigarettes, and 64% for cannabis. By 2021, the figures had dropped by a whopping 39, 59, and 26 percentage points, respectively. Ryan Burge

The Bad –  Consumer Sentiment

The trend line for consumer sentiment has beed slipping since a March 2024 high point. Yet, the further story is sentiment dropped from CoVid thru May of 2022, and has been on a see-saw upward trend since then. Couple months up, couple months down, with the average line moving upwards. And with the recent uncertainties in the political arena, my concern is the consumer – as well as buyers and investors – may take a more “wait and see”, before acting. If so, it will likely effect near term economic data. It can also be an opportunity to prepare – today – for post-election outcomes.

The Ugly:

Politics, the political spin process, and how important news is overlooked and distorted. Elections matter and have long-term consequences. Stay aware and keep your eyes and mind open.


How to move forward in any real estate environment?  I say forward, as in moving past fears and undo concerns. There are 2 primary ways: Owner-occupied and investment.  The long-term goal, for both, is the same – building equity and future wealth.  How? By paying down the mortgage and property appreciation.  Key: Careful planning that focuses on choices, timing, and understanding potential.

This path to success can be accomplished and is good for just about everyone.  First step: Let’s talk and layout a plan together. Here, we can provide information and helpful data to build a customized plan and approach best fit for you and your goals. How to begin? Let’s talk.

Planning and Preparation

I rarely change this section. The basics for investing are pretty straight forward.  What remains is finding the best path to success and the discipline to stay the course.  It begins when you reach out to us. Please make the call today.   

Should one invest in stocks, bonds, real estate?  Each person has a different view of potential, of comfort levels, of the sense of risk vs reward. Such is the heart of the market place and key to one’s “planning and preparation”. To this, we offer clients our expertise and experience in order to complement your perspective.  Our goal: Bring a full range of meaningful options to  enhance your discernment, based upon todays market realities.  Call today.  Let’s set a time.

Our strategies are straight forward, logical, and built on sound reasoning. No doctorate in finance needed to plan and succeed.

Why Call Mike

What We Do – Why We Are Here

We know how to explore and carefully examine the many available options.  Yes, we are real estate centric for the long term gains anticipated.  While we do NOT ignore other types of investments.  We scrutinize for safety and prioritize the most feasible fit for you. It is how we build a trusted relationship with you, as you grow your wealth and secure a solid future.  

Small Business: We love small business and provide a full array of financing tools.

Residential / Commercial: We offer strong lenders and a complete package of lending options.

Retirement Strategies:  Like myself, as we mature, real estate becomes more personal. If you agree, let’s talk. Together, we can help find answers and solutions to questions about tomorrow. We can start today. We can address a range of questions, from working at home, to a multitude of retirement options.  Our effort is to bring clarity to important real estate planning issues.

    Purchasing Options for Investment Properties:

We finance Nationwide investment property purchases.  Little known loans requiring very limited documentation – NO income tax returns.  The loans are based upon the properties cash flow.  Curious? call.  Investing out of the area is not rocket science.. yet you do need to have some knowledge, let us fill in the blanks for you to succeed and prosper!

Another perspective of ours is:  Buy Now, as much as you can.  Why ?

1)   Properties continue to appreciate each year, due to supply / demand imbalance. This rate tends to rise faster than money we can save.

2)   High interest rates can benefit today’s buyers, as it takes out speculation pricing and keeps a LOT of  competition out of the market

3)  When and as interest rates drop, many Buyers now sitting on the sidelines will enter the market. In turn, this will drive the rate of appreciation even higher – multiple offers and over-bidding of price.

If this sounds good, let’s start talking today. Let’s make your future brighter, together.

    What We Do:  Our role is to explain and bring clarity to time-tested strategies able to keep your money working for you.  One that is worthy and a profitable use of your valuable time.  

     Tools:  We offer multiple tools and proven methods.  The goal: Offering highly qualified and knowledgable professionals ready to make it happen.    

Our Efforts:  To be insightful and practical. Working with you, to find the best answers, matched with carefully planned timing. Priority: Being straight forward, with no short cuts.  

Success begins with solid preparation and a proven professional – Mike Ryan.  I know the ropes and am a proven advocate. I offer time-tested insights and experience.  Best, I love to see my clients achieve their goals. Call us.  We are the professional team who stands with you.  Call today.

We are ready and forward looking !!  

Thank you and blessings to all.

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