Good morning to February
Renewed hope
Great potential
Call today. Let’s talk perspective. Mine comes from years of media headlines, hype and hyperbole that brings emotional distortion to the marketplace. Ours is to bring solid reasoning based on hard evidence, matched to the tools of the trade, and excellent lenders.
We are your ‘Asset Optimization specialist’. not boiler plate.
We are not boiler plate. Our first conversation is a two-way discussion and answering of initial questions. We collect the surrounding data and present the financial details by our specialized lenders. Then, we begin a detailed discussion of lending options fit for today’s challenging market. Just a tickle. So when you are ready to gain market insight and achieve success, I am ready for your call. Let’s start planning for tomorrow’s success today.
As we prepare for the coming year, use this link Its an easy short-cut to set a time for me to call. You set the time and I will call. I look forward to our first talk.
Federal Reserve: We just heard last week from the Committee. Very humdrum with no change to the key Fed Funds rate. As we expected from the recent inflation numbers. To note, a great market analyst and recognized for accuracy, Barry Habib, has written and sent a letter (now in the hands of the new treasury secretary) outlining current economics vs the Fed’s using of historical data to better be in tune with the market. We shall see. As we have talked about repeatedly, what would the inflation rate be when using current housing data, not averaging the past year.
Jobs: Latest reports have unemployment rate dropping, a bit. More important to us, is the coming QCEW report – later this month. Expectations: About 50 % of past reported ‘jobs created’ number, were bogus. If so, one more in a list errors of this magnitude. Let’s hope the new Administration will overcome such major oversights, important to investing.
Inflation: As expected, numbers continue downward. Good news: Thought not a straight line, the housing components continues lower – a likely short-term pattern. Sadly, this not the focus of MSM (Main Stream Media). These are comforting numbers, with added good news: Incomes continue to outpace inflation.
Has the $1.00 drop in gas prices helped? Even eating an extra meal at home, can be healthy for the country. Good News: Future expectations should continue to better household budgets.
Our Mission: Guidance Based Buying
We strive to help guide, challenge, and support those seeking to build wealth. This pledge is for those seeking real estate solutions and for our small business clientele. Consider us your professional guide for ‘Asset Acquisition and Optimization Strategies’. It’s a good tool to help teach readiness, good timing, and patience. We are at your call – Call Now! It can start today and from this first conversation, we can begin building a plan of action. Our goal: build a “timely” detailed plan able meet your investing hopes and dreams. Start planning today.
The Good, the Bad, And the Ugly
The Good: We have a clear road ahead for the next 4 years.
History does tell us some interesting statistics. During both the administrations of Obama and Biden, public sentiment stayed below 100. During 4 years of Trump-1, polls were above 100.
The Bad and the Ugly: Political and financial disasters – with real human consequences.
Each morning, I hope those who govern, will take responsibility. First, high speed rail that failed and cannot succeed as currently planned. Second, PG&E telling us how good they are, when it is clear there is work to be done. Last, out of control fires apparently set by others. Worse, it appears the fire control lacked adequate water and water pressure. Much of the fire damage may have been preventable. Now homeowners are not allowed access the their property – perhaps for months. Some no fire insurance. It is time for the full truth and I trust people of California can handle it.
One new addition to my business plan. I am bringing to you a formal consulting option. A new service – one simple in concept and expansive in execution.
Our consulting will entail a formal review of your financial balance sheet and helping set one, if needed. It will help bridge the emotional dreams with today’s realities. We have an interesting technology of a good friend we plan to incorporate. To this, is added an insightful Q&A questionnaire. Let’s talk.
This conversation leads into the info gathering stage. They we talk again and more. Goals, desires, results of my analysis of the gathered data, market thoughts and such.
The goal is to bring together a working plan incorporating your info, with available options and alternatives – what is called in my world ‘economic finance.’ It is all about You. To help bring vision and reality to 1 to 3 items, of interest to you, to focus on for a period of time. Over the year, we will bring updates and tweaks, to your plan. We want to exceed your expectations.
Good News:
Homeownership still ranks as one of the top wealth building tools in America.
In this we can help. We offer a complete set of tools to help you decide what is best for you.
Appreciation vs Inflation – Helpful perspective: As people, we read of monthly inflation, but as consumers, we pay the cumulative effect at the checkout counter – even if the inflation rate itself slows. The same is true regarding property appreciation. It too, has a cumulative appreciation effect – an inflation factor.
Helpful: Long term inflation rate has averaged 3.82 % for 60 years, and 3.1 %, the past 100. This helps give perspective, as to when one chooses to invest or to sell.
Single family homes in Santa Clara County have recorded average appreciation of 6.57 % for 63 years. As a financial and economic tool, the property is outpacing inflation. As for Co-Vid days, inflation spiked, but will not have a lasting effect, over time.
Leverage: Learning how best take advantage of leverage. A good reason to call today.
Let’s talk, as we look ahead.
Let’s review options and realistic opportunities.
Readiness, Planning and Preparation
I rarely change this section. The basics for investing are pretty straight forward. Our goal: Finding the best path to success and discuss the discipline to stay the course. It begins when you make the first call. I am ready. Let’s talk today.
Our strategies are straight forward, logical, and built on sound reasoning. No doctorate in finance needed to plan and succeed.
Should one invest in stocks, bonds, real estate, business, insurance, etc.? Each person has a different view, a different comfort level and sense of risk vs reward. Such is the heart of the market place and key to one’s “planning and preparation”. To this, we offer clients our expertise and experience to complement your perspective. Our goal: Bring a range of meaningful options needed to enhance one’s discernment – based on market realities. Call today. Let’s set a time.
Why Call Mike
What We Do – Why We Are Here – What We Offer
We know how to explore and carefully examine the many available options. Yes, we are real estate centric for the long term gains anticipated. While we do NOT ignore other types of investments. We scrutinize for safety and prioritize that most feasible to fitting you. It is how we build a trusted relationship with you. As you grow your wealth and secure a solid future.
Small Business: We love small business and provide a full array of financing tools.
Residential / Commercial: We offer strong lenders and a complete package of lending options.
Retirement Strategies: Like myself, as we mature, real estate becomes more personal. If you agree, let’s talk. Together, we can help find answers and solutions to questions about tomorrow. We can start today. We can address a range of questions, from working at home, to a multitude of retirement options. Our efforts are to bring clarity to important real estate planning issues.
Purchase Options for Investment Properties: We finance, Nationwide, investment property purchases. Little known loans requiring very limited documentation – NO income tax returns. The loans are based upon the properties cash flow. Curious? Call. Investing out of the area is not rocket science.. yet you do need to have some knowledge. Let us fill in the blanks for you to succeed and prosper!
A unique perspective to consider: Buy Now, buy as much as you can. Why? Let’s Talk.
3 quick answers to Why;
1) Properties continue to appreciate each year, due to supply / demand imbalance. This increase tends to rise faster, than money we can save.
2) High interest rates can benefit today’s buyers, as it takes out speculative pricing and keeps much of the competition out of the market
3) When, and as, interest rates drop, many Buyers now sitting on the sidelines will enter the market. In turn this will drive the rate of appreciation even higher, from multiple offers and over-bidding of price.
If these ideas sound good, let’s start talking today.
Making your future brighter today – together.
What We Do: Our role is to explain and bring clarity to time-tested strategies able to keep your money working for you. One worthy and profitable of your efforts and valuable time.
Tools: We offer multiple tools and proven methods. The goal: Offering highly qualified and knowledgable professionals ready to make it happen.
Our Efforts: To be insightful and practical. Working with you, to find answers, matched with carefully planned timing. Priority: Being straight forward, with no short cuts. Truly, success begins with solid preparation and a proven professional – Mike Ryan. I know the ropes and am a proven advocate. I offer time-tested insights and experience. Best, I love to see you achieve your goals. Call us. We are the professional team who stands with you. Call today.
We are ready, feet on the ground, and forward looking !!
Thank you and special blessings for the coming year.