April Commercial Lending Success

Good morning,

Success and Commercial Lending

It is this month ‘Success’ story. Why? Because the availability of commercial loans – able to bring more successful solutions – is expanding. It speaks to a more secure commercial market and our clients having better balance sheets, stronger Profit / Loss statements, and increased cash flow. Less risk means more lenders, better programs, with better rates. Our clients bring referrals.

But it is also my job to not only be positive, but remain disciplined with an eye on the big picture. Some “economic” experts ask that we remain aware and watchful. A pull-back is possible, even a Recession, based on history.

Consider a recent dialogue with Doug Duncan, chief economist for Fannie Mae. His concern is late 2017. From a historical perspective, the recent “recovery” or upward cycle, is longer than average, based on years. Yet our recent “recovery” has been weaker than most, with others specialists suggesting 3-5 years. Bottom line: Be active, but remain disciplined.

Call us. Let us help you to safe, secure, and successful tomorrow.

Lending is expanding. Underwriting is trusting and finding comfort with current economic numbers. Business is expanding and the number prove it!

Expanding our product-types for businesses:

1)  Energy upgrades: Financing of energy improvements, whereby “Energy Savings” are used to pay the lender- financed improvements. Pay as you save.

2)  Defeasance Clauses: Provide “replacement capital” to release property “locked up” as part of one’s loan agreement. Call for details. It is worth it.

3) Crowd-Funding: A platform able to provide our clients access to institutional investors, for down payment. This includes: a) Operating properties, b) Repositioning and C) Development. Call for helpful details.

We are more than your standard commercial specialist. We are here to open doors and bring more lending options to you – to help meet your business needs and special insight. Call today. Our concern is you, your needs, and what you envision for tomorrow. It is how we can help you move from thinking, to financing, to then writing your own success story.

Have a fabulous month and we remain,

Gratefully yours.

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