Commercial Lending Successes for May

Good morning to a Summer rush of Commercial lending:

Most Important Invitation:

I have the pleasure of helping sponsor a meeting on April 24th.  Dr. Doug Duncan – chief economist for Fannie Mae – will be the main speaker.  Wow!  What better way to gain helpful insight into real estate and real estate financing. His nationwide perspective is invaluable to those of us who love real estate and real estate investing.

Please sign-up now.  We expect a full room, especially when the sponsors are only asking a mere $10.  And this to help defray the cost of the room. The timing is perfect.

Please use this link. It will help me get the credit for your attendance. The link is:

Use discount code:  DD18MRA.  I look forward to seeing you there!

Our definition of ‘commercial’:  I view this term  somewhat different than most. For my purposes, commercial is anything not directly related to Dodd-Frank financial reform act.  Thus I see construction, credit lines, private money, and agricultural / estate properties to not be “true” residential loans, even if some consumer lending is involved.

The good news:  We are actively working with clients in each of these sectors of lending.  So if you or a friend are seeking financing – supported by real estate – we are ready to help you now.  Give us a call.  There isn’t much we cannot handle.

News and comments on the future: We expect the Federal Reserve to again bump rates in June. They may even consider 3 more before year end.  Rising wages and inflation maybe key.  Here are two interesting points not often discussed:

European Union growth maybe slowing, as the Euro improve against the US dollar.  Plus there are concerns about tariffs and sanctions – Russia and Iran in particular.

Possible 3 % GDP growth.  This number is what we read and hear most often, with “Housing” a significant sub-component of GDP.  It is given a weighted value of 41 % towards GDP.  The current year-over-year increase in housing has been listed at 2.99 %.

Yet the real unknown is how the Federal Reserve Board will evaluate and determine inflation.  The range of debate on the “real” rates of inflation, makes one wonder what number will be used by the Federal Reserve, next time they bump rates.

Our Process: Before taking the first step, let’s talk. This initial call can prove critical to your success. Its here we carefully review three essentials:

1) Availability of Capital,

2) Availability of lender products fit for your specific needs,

3) Business market expertise and insight.

Looking to buy or re-allocate your current portfolio?

Let’s carefully review a number of strategies whereby your capital-gains can continue working for you. Such proven techniques can be especially beneficial for highly appreciated real estate.

If this delaying of the tax monster is of interest, we can help you build a step-by-step approach adaptable to your situation and overall financial plan. If you are ready, give a call. We will gladly introduce you to six proven ways to “sell and not pay taxes today” approach to real estate – even if owner occupied.  BEST:  No cost or obligation to call and ask!

Our Pride is in Your Success 

Regardless the road traveled, experience makes clear two keys primary to success:  1) market timing, and 2) one’s commitment to early preparation.  That said, let’s begin preparing today.  What better way to keep “Father (or Mother) Time” working for you?

Of special note:  If you face a financing challenge with either: 1) a turn-around project, or 2) a failing tax-deferred exchange, due to “up-leg” financing, please call.  We are skilled at helping you find need alternatives for the outcome you seek.

Our predictions:  Continue planning for rising Fed Funds rates throughout 2018.  Let’s remember rates do remain quite low for an expanding economy. Let us also be ever mindful of rising inflation expectations and any shift in Federal Reserve policy, especially as to ending 10-years of quantitative easing.  Both will most likely mean higher bond yields and thus, mortgage rates.  Keep in mind, as the demand for money increases due to either US debt or commercial investing, or inflation, loan rates will increase. Call us.  We want to help you lock into long-term rates, today.

Let’s not fear rates, but fully benefit through excellent preparation.

Let’s talk soon –  the economy is expanding and staying in touch is key to being ready.

To a fabulous year of investing, we remain gratefully yours.

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