Commercial Successes for May

Good morning,

As an investor, it can be critical to know there are times when commercial lenders may shift their timing or level of participation, in lending to specific types of property – though no changes in guidelines or credit standards.

Yes, this can present problem for the unprepared.

hat occurs is that each bank has specific dollar limits for certain investment types. Hit the limits, and restrictions happen. My suggestion: Start your preparation work today. This is the best way to keep in control, and prevent a surprise from the Bank. Lets talk today, so the lender that can best serve you, will not say, “Sorry, my bucket is full.”

Our efforts to find our clients the most affordable solutions, continue vigorously and with great success. The past month included: 1) sourcing solutions for apartment construction in Reno, 2) Triple-net to a charter school in Illinois, and 3) an office building with a new tenant in Sunnyvale.

Our effort include more than California, we are Nationwide.

Our focus is in developing strategies for asset accumulation, re-structuring of debt, and acquisition. Our work is far more than the easy and simple. We pride ourselves in doing what it takes to bring a smile of success. And with this, we bring our 26 years of experience, knowledge, and training to the table, to get the success you deserve.

Give a call. The first call is the conversation that gets the ball rolling and begins putting you in control – not the bank and its limitations.

Have a fabulous day and talk with you soon.

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