November Residential Loan Successes

Good morning,

Thank you to all our Veteran’s as we recognize your service tomorrow.  

May every elected official never forget the sacrifice and stand with them,

in the same honor they served our country, our flag, and each one of us.

Our residential success stories continue. 2/3 of our clients shopping for homes, are quick to find smiles on their faces. Election fears and the winter season, often brings buyers and sellers to the negotiating table.

Yet more, it shows the positive benefit of preparation and we are glad our clients appreciate being accommodative. It helps you and the seller.

Success takes a bit longer

But results prove its worth

One of our friends needed a replacement property before selling the first one. Unusual yes, but using a little known product, all parties – including both Realtors – came to agreement. They are in contract with a 30-day contingency period and 45-day close. Yes, in the Bay Area. As always, knowing the particulars is key to a strong offer, even if not the highest.

Another client is in contract on a small apartment building. Once again, the strength of the borrower – both in prior experience and financial strength – won the day. As before, good preparation beat out the higher offer.

Give a ring today. Proper setup is more than a 2 day exercise. In a competitive market, “success” takes a bit longer and our results prove it.

Have a fabulous day, as we remain,

Gratefully yours.

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