Residential Lending Successes for April 2016

Good morning,

Good Timing

The past month was the culmination and the reward, for good planning, persistence, and preparation. Along with near record low rates, we were able to share in some wonderful success stories and beautiful smiles.

One our clients was able to “restructure” an existing loan, into an even better loan. While another, after careful study and review, turned a 30-year fixed rated into a 10-year – at under 3%. Wow!! I do love this business.

Another client turned an unexpected life-event, into a better tomorrow. The landlord gave notice, but instead of panic, they called and we began searching for solutions. The outcome – Their new home. We “reset” two rental-home mortgages, which became the setup for the purchase for a new-construction home. Three cheers to success and a successful tomorrow.

Time Heals Old Wounds.

With another year since the housing bubble burst, more and more people are once again able to buy a new home. Amen. It is good to hear families excited about becoming homeowners. Renting is good, but owning your home is special. And what a great time to move forward.

Keep the calls coming. And if someone you know is asking or seeking guidance, please let us know. Every referral is important and helping them achieve their dream – in a safe and secure manner – is why we are in business. What better way to help a friend or an acquaintance.

Have a fabulous day, as we remain

Gratefully yours.

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