Residential Lending Successes for March 2017

Spring brings a new season and with it, we will keep a careful watch on talks of the Federal Reserve possibly “bumping up” rates up over the coming months.

The Federal Reserve – Fighting the “Good” Fight

Though their action does not “directly” impact home loan rates, it does speak to the direction the Federal Reserve wants rates to move. It also provides insight into the temperature of our economic future. This can prove valuable, especially after years of a slow-walk out of stagnant economy. We will help keep you informed.

Local Real Estate: Supply and Demand

Locally, the number of available properties for sale continues to fall short of the number of people looking. Rising home values, along with an easing of both the credit score and down payment parameters, should help.

Monthly Success Story

It was brought to our attention how many of our great success stories, tend to focus on our “outside-the-box” solutions, neglecting the mainstream. Let’s bring some balance, as our standard success stories are the heart of our business.

One of our clients purchased their new home with 30% down. It helped close the loan quickly and met their objective of a monthly payment only ¼ their income.

For another client, focusing on their future retirement, we obtained a 15-year fixed loan refinance. Their new loan matched their desired timetable. Excellent work.

Preparing for the Fun of Spring

The Spring season is upon us and key to making this season the best ever, is good preparation. Give me a call so we can set up a complimentary, ½ hr. session – person-to-person. We can walk through your plans and set the right path to your own real estate success story. If you are ready, the market awaits. We will guide you each step of the way. It is our profession and what we love to do.

Success begins with the first call – Call today.

To your success.

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