Residential Lending Successes for May 2016

Good morning,

We are in the midst of the excitement – the Spring home buying season. Where the days warm, sunsets are later, and flowers keep blooming. And this year, with more homes coming available, we are finding even more buyers. The pace is quick, success is in the air, and Spring is at its best.

Our most successful niche is working with homeowners and property investors seeking loans under one million dollars. And for most of our new homeowners, this often means writing up to 3 offers. The good news: This is better and more in balance than the last few years.

Personally I prefer this, over any kind of frenzy. And this slow down may coincide with the slow down in new IPO’s, as even venture capital investors need to take a pause to evaluate the future.

This first slow-up should help reduce “speculative” purchases, in favor of more rational, long-term buyers. It will help our markets become more stable and sustainable. It will also give us more opportunity to ask the more primary question: Homeownership versus being a renter.

Working with you today, 

as you discover what’s right for your tomorrow.

Lending opportunities continue to expand – opening even more doors – despite continued stringent documentation. It is crossing T’s and dotting I’s, that provides the best and most secure loans, for everyone.

Give a ring today and let’s get you on our schedule. Our focus is to find the strategy, and approach, best fit for you. To answer questions about: 1) buying or renting, or 2) refinancing for summer needs or projects, or 3) developing a strategy today in preparation for buying tomorrow.

Thank you for your time and have a fabulous day.

Gratefully yours,

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