Your November 2023 Letter From My Heart with the Good Bad n’ Ugly

Good morning to November and joys of Thanksgiving;

Real Estate Ownership – Don’t Miss Out – Prepare Today !!

Real Estate News – Tracking Our Market.

Recent News:

Perspective: Markets adjusting to stated norms:

News sources and words of Federal Reserve Board members suggests It is time to hold interest rates steady. Signs of the slowdown they sought, are happening. More large corporations are trimming staffing while delinquencies for ‘B’ quality auto loans is reaching historical highs. Currently, this delinquency number is about 6 %.

Of interest: 3rd Quarter GDP, a whopping bigger number that will stymie many. The bigger note is around consumer spending that it cannot continue at this pace.. However, I feel the market has no way to calculate in the payroll increases of the past 5 years, the dramatically lower home loan payments from our recent CoVid induced refinance boom. Both of which move the needle for the amount of money America can spend.

I am not saying there isn’t problems, just pointing out the talking heads often do not have a deeper level viewpoint as a working base.

Bottom Line: Start Preparing Today

With Mike Ryan & Associates

Key to Success: Recognizing each individual whom we work, is uniquely distinct – ‘not’ average. Yet, most of the statistics we see, are based on what is called the ‘average’ person. Sad but necessary. Ours is to never see you as average and why we welcome your call. It is our knowledgeable professionalism that brings value to your call – whether a new call or a tune-up call to see if things are running smoothly. We are about you and your real estate needs. CALL.

Let’s Talk Today

Be ready, today. A strong loan application is a winning attitude.

It strengthens your Realtors’ efforts in selling you and your offer

as the winning offer. Being “best” prepared is sound advice.

Interesting News We Can Use

Interest Rates: Tracking the high points encountered the past year or so. The Federal Reserve: They will hold rates, but expect these higher rates for a while. Key: 10-Yr below 5%.

Shift in Economic Strength? Next 90 – 120 days should be indicative of the market direction and overall economy. Student loan repayment begins. Tough one: Over the year, credit card interest rose from 14 % to 25 %. Lifestyles will be shifting. How soft or hard is the unknown. Good news: Savings are returning to normal.

Inflation reports: After all the jobs data we reported last month, last week was the week for inflation data. Here is some helpful info:

PPI: moving higher, with a hot upward revision of last month data – 1.6 % adjusted to 2 %, with the year-over-year at 2.2. The drivers: Energy up 3.3 % after 10 % in August and food, up near 1%. Core PPI – with no energy or food added – was still up year-over-year – from 2.5 % to 2.7 %. How will the Fed respond? Unsure, but rates hikes takes month to have an impact.

CPI: also higher than expected – 0.4 % month-over-month, with the year-over-year holding at 3.7 %. The core did decline from 4.3 to 4.1 %  The Shelter component is helping.   To this, motor vehicle insurance is up 19 % year-over-year – theft is over the top!  On the good side: Y-O-Y, Used car prices down 8 %. Food up only 3.7 %. Health insurance down 37 % – a statistical quirk, awaiting revision.

Looking to Buy or Invest?

Call today and begin early preparation now.

This keeps you ready and flexible. It is key.

The Good, the Bad, And the Ugly

The Good – The Data

The big megaphones love raging about the US crime wave. Somebody should review the latest data from the FBI for all of America — not just specific urban centers. Homicides were down 6.1%, in 2022. The murder rate is now below 2020 levels. Violent crime fell by 1.7%, reaching levels not seen since 2014. This in spite of the increase in ‘mass shootings’. Good, yet still Bad !

When was the last time you checked in on the Ocean Cleanup? A suggestion: Go have a look. It is pretty cool what is being accomplished !

The Bad – Fear speak and Housing Crash

Hmm: MSM (Main Street Media) and Internet “experts” mimic each other. They gladly promote 25 – 30 % price reductions – housing crash. Can you say ‘click bait’.  Hmm: They speak to Inventory levels increasing – (funny this is the season on increases – matching the historic pattern.)

Yet we remain at the lowest inventory levels seen.  Note: We have low inventory numbers and actual prices are holding up – despite interest rates.  Bottom line: Based on latest data:  32 % of homes sold above asking price.  6.5 % below asking, and the rest,  at asking price. Know the facts and the reality. Let’s start planning today.

Add to this: New housing starts are decreasing.  Labor costs, availability of build-able sites, high interest rates impact both home builders and borrowers. Apartment construction faces the same challenges, as well as a seasonal slow down ?  But demand still exceeds supply.

What about Seasonality: Historically, list prices go up every Spring and ease every Fall into Winter.  Not MSM worthy, but a good reminder for those looking to invest.

The Ugly – The push and pull of government guidelines and involvement. Locally, VTA touting their first construction for affordable housing starting. What timing. On the flip side, the ever increasing cost to bring BART to San Jose. It has been delayed again, with start date for construction and completion, pushed further out. Then, another statement about holding off purchasing needed equipment. What? Are they expecting equipment prices to drop ?

Bottom Line

We seek to find the good of people, bring forward a few interesting headwinds, while striving to help maintain a sense of balance and encouragement. Yes, we each have challenges in our lives, yet our desire to improve and do better is steadfast. This driving force helps make each of us better. Clearly, higher taxes, higher interest rates, and higher inflation do challenge family finances. Yet, the good news: History shows that this too will pass. Stay active, motivated, and open minded. Let this reality become our common ground and let your voices be heard.

Planning and Preparation

I rarely change this section. The basics for investing are pretty straight forward. What remains is finding the best path to success. This begins by your reaching out to us – making that call.

Should one invest in stocks, bonds, real estate? Each person has a different view, often based upon comfort levels and sense of risk / reward. It is what we call the market place. It is key to one’s “planning and preparation”. It is here, we offer to you our expertise and experience. And this, to complement your perspective. Our goal: Bring a full range of meaningful options that enhance your vision, based upon todays market realities. Call today. Let’s set a time.

Why Call Mike

What We Do – Why We Are Here

We know how to explore and carefully examine the many available options. Yes, we are real estate centric for the long term gains anticipated. While we do NOT ignore other types of investment. We scrutinize for safety and prioritize the most feasible. It is how we build a trusted relationship with you, as you grow your wealth and secure a solid future – for you and your family.

Small Business: We love small business and provide a full array of financing tools.

Residential / Commercial: We offer strong lenders and a complete package of lending options.

Tax-deferral strategies: Investment portfolios tend to be dynamic in nature, subject to change and surprise. It is why it is important to keep updated, as to tax law. Herein, is a key question: Pay taxes today or keep your cash, working for you? How? By “deferring projected capital gains tax”? And if keeping your capital – working for you – sounds good, let’s talk. Let’s discuss the best available options and plans-of-approach. Best: We have the professional team who know how to bring it all together. Details matter and they know all the small details.

Why: Why payout up to hundreds of thousands of dollars – even Millions – when there are tools to keep your hard earned money working for you – and your estate. Interested? If so, now maybe a good time to talk – to start planning for tomorrow. Tax planning is a good strategy, especially with new laws wanting to stop you from passing highly appreciated real estate, onto your heirs. Your estate matters.

What We Do: Our role is to explain and bring clarity to time-tested strategies able to keep your money working for you. For me, this presents a solid opportunity to keep your cash and build wealth. One that is worthy and a profitable use of your valuable time. Let’s talk.

Tools: We offer multiple tools and proven methods for highly appreciated holdings. The goal: Keeping your cash in your proven hands. Our team offers highly qualified and knowledgable professionals, are ready to make it happen.

Retirement: Like myself, as we mature, real estate becomes more personal. If you agree, let’s talk. Together, we can help find answers and solutions to questions about a too soon, tomorrow. We can start today. We can address a range of questions, from working at home, to a multitude of retirement options. Our effort is to bring clarity to important real estate planning issues.

Our Purpose:

Be insightful and practical.

Work with you, finding best answers and solutions.

Always Being Straight Forward, with No Short Cuts.

Success begins with solid preparation and a proven professional – Mike Ryan. I know the ropes and am a proven advocate. I offer time-tested insights and experience. Best, I love to see my clients achieve their goals. Call us – the professional team who stands with you. Call today.

We are ready!!!

Thank you and continued blessings to all.

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