April 2021 Commercial Lending News and Successes

Good morning to Spring and a lot of sunshine; 

Back to Business   Commercial Investing

Door are opening as fears of hospitalization rates rapidly decline. Vaccination is the new norm, with the added plus of “herd immunity”. Yet, let us remain aware of ourselves and our surroundings, as we keep common sense a first priority. Bottom line: Stay healthy.

Today’s letter: A review of investor challenges, along with substantive encouragement. It is a balancing act. 

Stay Strong – Be of Great Courage

Take Full Advantage of Great Rates

Calls to Action: ‘Capital Gains Tax Deferral’. 

The Bad News:  Expectations are for increasing corporate taxes – next year. Most likely this will include taxes on long-term Capital Gains increasing. May not be the best way to restart an economy. 

The Good News: We have the special tools to help. Even more, our emphasis on this detailed specialty, is expanding. We are Nationwide.  The beauty: We offer and have available to you, options and tools other than justthe strict rules of the 1031 exchange or writing a big check.

 Let talk, today!

SBA Lending:

1) SBA lending continues full steam, 2) Refinance window has re-opened, and 3) some rates on buildings, starting in the 2’s % !!

Good News – Call Today! – Don’t Delay.

Do all you can for your local Small Business

One cannot repeat this enough. WE need them.

Unemployment rate: Numbers with many facets. Important: Because supply chain issues may take 6 months to unravel, it will keep unemployment higher. Also note: Our numbers reflect continued concerns for “Hospitality and Entertainment”. This industry needs help.

Good News: More States are opening. 

Sadly, discussions of any sensible Federal infrastructure bill will take a year before it impacts unemployment. In effect: More white noise, than helpful. 

Question: Will proclaimed $ benefits, be offset by regs, new taxes, and product pricing?

Re-Openings: Slow and remaining cautious. This includes our schools. Yet the drum beat of fear, keeps a significant percentage of people unable to freely live their daily lives. We are talking consumers and families, the driving force of our economy and our future. Wake up!

Commercial Refinances: Yes, CoVid has damaged our P&L’s. The Good News: Financing continues, albeit more diligence in the quality of paperwork. 

We know the paper work and the process. We do both well. Here is where we can be helpful: 

Refinancing a “Balloon Loan” is the single most requested need. For some, they see now as a great opportunity to invest. We can be a great sounding, before you decide.

In all cases, my best suggestion: Let’s talk about the Good News: We have excellent rates offering a unique opportunity to: 1) Secure solid financing, 2) Modify one’s commercial portfolio, even an exchange, 3) Strengthen the balance sheet, and 4) Increase net cash. 

If you are ready, I am ready. Let’s talk today.

Yet for many, we have not yet seen the bottom. Office vacancies continue to rise, perhaps even into next year. Retail remains on the ropes with commercial lenders shying this sector. CoVid fears and uncertainties continue to negatively impact any credit analysis.

The Good News: American Ingenuity and Innovation. AI (artificial intelligence) Electric Vehicles – cars and trucks, and Genomics. They are the new industries making major changes in our lives. Here is growth, growth and more growth.  With thousands, even hundreds of thousands of potential new jobs. Now the race to match qualified skills with the specific tasks at hand. Near term, there maybe a short fall, but we are quick to adapt. The American way.

These industries will help lead us out of the CoVid confusions. They will drive demand 

and consumer spending – if foolish re-regulation and new taxes don’t get in the way. 

In the works:

 Rent collection for Apartments: Year-end, an estimated 28 % of tenants still owed

something to their landlord. The latest CoVid Bill might have monies for landlords to recapture 80 % of the past due rents, if they forgive the other 20 %.

 Office properties: Slipping steadily. Reserves and resources have run out, without the staff working at 100 %. Many still work from home while many companies continue to embrace where they can. This then cascades to the local shops around commercial centers.  Although the same can directly benefit local neighborhood shops and service providers where the stay at home live.

 Reopening of Schools: Another key to normalcy. There are new negotiations with some deadlines going out about 6 months. I expect a major shift in expectations, before the next school year. Work at home with in-home day care / schooling is not the best solution. 

It seems time for union politics and dollars to stand down to the science and psychological needs for kids to return to the classroom. They want to learn and they need to learn. And we are paying teachers to teach. It is time to teach and teaching is the superb solution for stressed households. Good Teachers – Demand your union learns to listen to you. It is time to teach.

 Good News:

We do ‘on-the-edge’ financing. This includes: Gas Stations, construction companies, and even commercial condo’s. Included is a smattering of small apartment buildings. It is a team game. First with lenders having an “on-going-work” approach to lending and wonderful clients ready to work and meet the challenges. Add to this, our profession expertise, and things get done and deals get closed. Let’s talk. Good things come from good preparation. 

News of the moment: 

Market data points: 

 1) Unemployment: Seems stable and steady but sucky.  Last week good numbers, the week before, not so good.. Looking for the improving line to become a trend line.

 2) Retail sales and Inventory levels – both critical data points to watch. Supply chain issues with secondary impacts, remain the great challenge to the normal flow of goods. 

 3) Inflation: Real, imagined, or a bill of goods. Details say, YES to all three.

 4) Watch tax-policy and regulatory impacts. Both can negate any fed stimulus.


As a broker: WE provide a needed ray of hope, in uncertain times. For our commercial clients: WE provide a straightforward, careful review of available lenders, with a full range of lending options. If you are ready, they are ready. Together we can make your investment dreams happen. It is an excellent pathway to success – uniting a strong, solid loan application, with interest rates unbelievably low. We are proven, with quality lenders ready to lend. Call today. 


Trust the true value and benefit of getting your loan done – right.

Many blessings for family and friends.