Commercial Lending Successes and News for February 2020

Good morning to Spring days of warming weather;

May the season of rain continue, our aquifers be recharged and lakes refilled full. Not much on the horizon, thought still early.

A bit of a break this month. I am preparing for a few fun days with the snow, before preparing the bee business for a new Spring of Almond pollination.

Our mortgage work – with the great help of our associates – continues strong. Another year in continued economic strength, allows for increasingly more small business expansion.

What to watch in 2020 – Unintended Consequences

Rent control is one such an event. Instead of helping housing, it actually leads to fewer available rentals. Politics of ideology vs the pragmatic realities of supply and demand.

Another is the emotional game of minimum wage standards, along with the negative impact of W-2 vs 1099 employee – Bill AB 5. For both, the assumption – without evidence – is small businesses can: absorb the added expense, remain profitable, not cut employee hours, and remain open for business. History says unlikely, while the politics of big money say, we don’t care. Look for softening in smaller retail centers and small scale commercial operations.

Last, the ‘Save our Schools’ bill: This is little more than a renewed run at unwinding our much beloved property protections – Proposition 13. It begins with major commercial owners with the un-intended consequences, that all, many of them small family owned, commercial buildings – owned for many years – will suffer drastic increases in property tax. This dramatic cost increase will have be passed on to tenants, who then pass them on consumers, as higher prices. When this fails to generate enough revenues to save anything, they will move onto residential homes. WE all lose, we lose on every level, and no one is held accountable. Vote wisely for small business.

Love to time the market? Today’s rates make now awonderful window of opportunity to:

Refinance your ballon loan today – Lower operating expenses

Let’s begin saving you money and adding cash to your balance sheet – CallToday.

As you can tell, my approach is straightforward – based in meaningful data, not pointless facts. Our is to complete the job – without headaches to you. Our thinking is bold, searching out programs best fit to your lending needs. We follow a disciplined plan of reviewing and executing a proven strategy of success. Our strength is gathering relevant data, focusing on differing loan programs, and executing a timely close. We call this the WIN Strategy – a proven path to financial success, that is safe, secure, and provides long-term success. Let’ Talk.

Market News:

  • Inflation: Core CPI – steady for 23 months.
    • Corona Virus: This will pull down economic growth around the world. California more susceptible due to high Asian population.

Call us. We are here ready help, we have the data, and now is the best of times.

Success Stories

Growth, expansion, and the fun of trading – each and all are doing great!

The Good News:

We specialize in small-balance commercial loans:

SBA, Agriculture, Small commercial properties.

It is a steady part of our 2019 work, expecting more this year.

Let’s talk today to help your tomorrow, become your best ever.

Most commercial real estate deals are straight forward. Yet it is good to recognize not all are glazed donuts, with sprinkles. Most move smoothly and some can be entertaining. Yet as expected, for a few specific projects, lenders do find difficulties. The Good News: We never quit and your success is our goal, from the first step, to close of escrow, and beyond.


Bottom Line: What I do: 1) Accurately source the Lender best matching your specific loan profile and 2) Assemble a complete data package for your submission. Call: Let’s talk. Let’s get more for you and your investment dollar, today.

Where are you? If Buying: We provide the financing to carry you through. If Selling: We have multiple ways of delaying and deferring Capital Gains taxes. Seeking to re-structure a short-term, sweat equity buildout, for long-term financing? Call us. We hear you and are ready to help, today.

Benefits: We help our clients / investors achieve: Improved cash flow – Increased potential for future rental increases, and – Good budgeting of major expenses. We believe in investing in real estate – a quality asset for a diversified portfolio.

Good News: Our many lending partners are ready to write – today – traditional commercial loans, without surprises. Even more: Many of our lenders offer terms beyond the common 10-year term. Learn more – Call today.

Keys to Your Success

Upfront planning, good preparation, and quality data. From here, we build a solid, strong loan request, one anticipating lender questions. Good New: We know the how, what, why’s and this is key to our being a value team player in your investment mode. Let’s talk.

New to Commercial Lending?

For years, new people coming into the marketplace, finding our commentary insightful. They appreciate both our straight forward plan-of-action and ability to provide a quick review. Thank you again for your business – and your referrals – as I look forward to talking with you.

If you or someone you know, is considering investing in real estate for the first time, please call. This first call is a great way to address concerns, questions, and possibilities.

You have heard me say it before:

It all starts with our first conversation.

Let’s talk today.

Many blessings for family and friends.

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