May 2019 Residential Lending News and Successes

Good morning to Springtime Buying in May,

With rising property values, we are seeing a welcomed uptick in calls about ‘reverse mortgages’. I love these discussions with our seasoned home-owners, those carefully planning for their retirement years. Our recent ‘lending success’ is about such a story.

The Good News: We not only talk rates, but make a point to bring helpful information on our many available lending options. This is best way for you to know your loan meets your specific needs and situation. Great rates but the wrong loan, only spells trouble. So we are extra careful in bringing clear understand in our search – with you – for the loan best fitting you. A rare thing in today’s fast paced world. Call, as we bring our proven experience and vast knowledgeable, to the table and our next conversations. Your tomorrow, starts today.

How can we help ?

Our Goal: Helping you find a safe, sound, and secure loan. It is why every conversation matters and why we offer you the full benefit of our skills and talents, from start to finish.

Other Points of interest: Call us to learn more

✓   For Veterans: We have program available for purchases up to $ 2.9 million  
✓   For single family homes and condos:  New conforming lending limits: $ 726,525
✓   1st Time home-buyer:  Down payment assistance and Low down-payment options
✓   Self-employed: Use bank statements, not the confusion of tax returns to qualify

Market News

1) GDP: Our US economy – measured as a whole – jumped in growth from 2.2% for the end of last year, to a robust 1st Quarter growth of 3.2 %. Inventories are increasing in anticipation of increasing sales this Spring and Summer. A good sign of a strong economy.

2) Unemployment: These rates, across all sectors, reached new lows – difficult to improve upon. Equally, we had a very robust increase in private sector workers hired.

Conclusion: Potential for our next recession – not in the foreseeable future.

Market Concerns:

1) Federal Reserve is again buying US treasuries. With no inflation and troubles in Europe developing economies, this is welcomed news. It helps keep rates steady and predictable.

2) Slowdown? Based upon the above, it is not imminent. Let history wait.

3) Will Congress finally finalize and sign off on US-Canada-Mexico trade deal. We await.

The lesson: Best choices and decisions are based upon solid, proven models with verifiable facts. It is here we can help address your concerns and maximize your financial future.

Recent Residential Success Story: Reverse Mortgage

Good news: Another of our referred clients sought the best way to take full advantage of a reverse mortgage. Their hope: To downsize from a local home, and one a slight distance away. They searched for 2 1/2 years, until our new friends, called us.

Knowing this, and their retirement goal of no monthly mortgage payments, a reverse mortgage was chosen. Now their life moves forward, as hoped. They continue to live in the home they love – with no mortgage payments. Smiles of retirement shine brightly.

Working news: A reverse mortgage is one of many such tools, and though best for many, we make a point to explore all available options. We start with our first conversation to explore issues, potentials, and possibilities. Then we work closely with you to help you decide the avenue you deem best, for your tomorrow.

Reverse mortgage tools: Are you contemplating retirement while wondering if you can still afford your home? Please call us. We have a reverse mortgage tool to help simplify the choice. It even helps the client seeking to purchase their next home – using a reverse mortgage to, 1) make it happen, and 2) have no mortgage payment. We have a full range of proven options, to help you maximize your retirement. Call today. Your future is now.

Tax-Deferral: Have a client wanting to sell a California investment property, but not pay Capital gains? We have IRS approved ways to defer, so all their money can move forward.

Buying your next home: Tools include using the old – and new home – for collateral. Also tools available to not count the old home payment, while you get moved and settled. Call.

Because You Matter

We work with individuals, professionals, and Small Business owners. And, like you, our focus is on securing advantageous financing fit for you, your real estate, or small business. Our initial ‘sit-down’ often proves “key”, as we bring our experience and expertise to a careful review of the tools of our trade needed to achieve your success. Time well spent.

Our distinctive difference: Our Company has been in business 17 years, focusing on financial “solutions” for residential, commercial, small business, and construction. This includes Reverse Mortgages, tax-deferral of highly appreciated real estate, advantageous loans for small business and commercial. Few brokers can offer my 32 years of bringing the joy of lender satisfaction and success to others. Real estate financing is my passion.

Your real estate life – today and tomorrow – is our priority. We are ready to help, today.

Our approach and experience sets us apart – Call today

As you can tell, home finance is far more than a scant overview of rates and fees. What is needed is the financial specialist who wants to know you and your concerns – one who is able to address your needs. It is how we best optimize your desires, within the right loan.

My suggestion: Plan Today and Maximize your Tomorrow.

Closing thought: The full breadth of standard loans are our bread and butter. Yet we love a good challenge and are ready to help today. We love hearing “Yes”, when others say, “no way”. Give us a call. Our many referrals speak to the quality of our workmanship.

As always, thank you for your calls and referrals. Your success is our priority.

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